The Biggest Update to HC Prologue is Out! New Class, Weapons, Skills, Balance changes, Christmas Items and More!

Today Digitality Studious have launched their biggest update for the Prologue of HordeCore! It includes a brand new playable class, Sniper, new Skill System, Tier 2 weapons, major balance update, Christmas Items and much more! On their behalf, we are sharing the contents of the update!
- An unidentified flying object has been spotted in the skies, with reports of loud jingle bells sounds in the background. Festive-looking hats have been dropped all over the wasteland by this mysterious being, but wear them at your own risk!
- Turkey Hats can no longer be found roaming the wastelands: some say a couple of starving Pilgrims ate them all.
- Shady Shannon joins the fray! The Sniper class is now playable, equipped with all the long-ranged weaponry Shannon brought along for the ride!
- A new POWER system has been added! Armors and Weapons now come rated with their very own power score and vastly improved firepower!
- SKILL TREES and experience points! You can finally customize your progression beyond loot and characters, with a choice of over 40 unique skills to unlock!
- New Tier 2 weapons can now be found out and about: from an excellent ol’ M16 to a very unsafe-looking Scorcher — lots of new ways to slay the horde!
- New particle effects, sounds, and animations on every weapon from T1 and above! It’s all fine and dandy to look like a bad-ass, but now you’ll be able to FEEL and SOUND like one too!
- Survivor skills have been revamped! Molotovs that burn hotter and broader, a pair of turrets that can fire powerful 3-shot bursts, and a piercing sniper round that can pop hordeling heads from a mile away. Those are just a few of the new weapons in your team’s arsenal!
- New and improved tutorials! There’s a lot to do in HordeCore, and there’s also a lot you can learn. So we made brand new tutorials to improve your horde-slaying experience!
- You can now access your Skill Tree in the safety of your camp!
- Added handy status effects tabs to your character’s inventory UI - now you’ll know when you’ve gained a buff or really need to have a drink!
- Improved controller support. Bye-bye cursor, hello inventory slots!
- Improved the visual feedback of several in-game systems: damage dealt, damage taken, low health, max health gained, and thirst/hunger systems.
- Added new Item Power UI, Character Power UI, and improved the comparison tools!
- A new death screen has been added to offer you some helpful tips in the unfortunate event of your demise.
- Added a difficulty change option when you start a brand new game or when the hordes prove too challenging… or not challenging enough!
- Improved survivors’ health bars correctly displays a visual representation of health growth!
- Hunger and Thirst should no longer catch you off-guard. With the new handy warning icons, you’ll quickly notice when your food or water levels are getting dangerously low!
- Getting low on health is dangerous, so we added extra animations to help you realize when your survivors are in dire need of attention… or bandages!
Although the Prologue is quite linear in nature, we still want players to feel challenged and controlled. Here’s how we changed things up to enhance the experience:
- Default survivor damage and health were lowered by 25%.
- Default enemy health is 25% higher.
- Stats gained by equipping Weapons and Armor are now 50% higher.
- Character skills have been buffed, revamped, or mechanically improved.
- Hunger and Thirst now decrease 200% faster.
- Raw meat, dirty water, wood, and plastics have an increased drop rate to help with cooking.
- Reaching 0 on either hunger or thirst meters now deals damage every second until recovered.
- To improve the player experience, as well as the possibility of further challenge, you may now choose and change the game’s difficulty at any point in the Prologue. “Easy Mode” halves the HP of your enemies. “Normal Mode” represents the default difficulty - with enemies having 100% HP and a 10% higher chance to drop items upon death. And “Hard Mode” boosts both your enemies’ HP (to 150%) and lower rates throughout the game.
DEATH AND CONSEQUENCE Wound System 1.0 has been added to the game, making death have concrete consequences while maintaining your progress! Here’s how it works:
- Any survivor that reaches 0 health now becomes WOUNDED.
- Wounded survivors can still follow the player and participate in dialogs, but can’t shoot, can’t use skills, can’t change their equipment, and can’t be controlled.
- Wounded survivors can only be healed in the camp (by any source of healing).
- Healing a wounded survivor by any amount will remove their wounded status.
- When all the survivors in the player’s team are wounded, your post-apocalyptic adventure is over… ish! That is until you decide to restart back from a checkpoint or lower the difficulty of the level you died on - this is still a Prologue, after all. We really want you to see all of it!
- Countless bugs have been squashed in the making of this patch, although we found a few new ones crawling under a rock!
- Local co-op has received a few stability improvements and some backstage preparations for the upcoming multiplayer experience!
We are welcoming everyone to try the new update - it is super fun to play!
Get HordeCore
HordeCore is a kick-ass side-scrolling shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world.
Status | In development |
Author | MetaPub |
Genre | Survival, Adventure, Role Playing, Shooter |
Tags | Bullet Hell, Co-op, Crafting, Multiplayer, Roguelike, Zombies |
Languages | German, English, Spanish; Castilian, French, Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly, Subtitles, Interactive tutorial |
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